If you’re experiencing difficulties with your mental health, or you’re struggling to make sense of things, then our experienced team provides private counselling support.

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How we can help you 

Counselling can mean lots of different things to different people. 

At its core though, counselling is a talking therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you to help you to understand and effectively manage your emotional issues. 

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Who are we?

We’re part of Teesside Mind, the leading local mental health charity, and we’ve been providing counselling services for over 25 years. 

Meet the team

Who can we help?

We can work with anyone who needs our help, whatever their needs and situation. You don’t need a mental health diagnosis to see one of our counsellors, but we also work with people with complex and enduring mental health needs.  

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Make an Appointment

If you’d like to meet with one of our counsellors, then you can book an appointment now. Please note that as of 1st August 2024 the cost of our counselling sessions will rise to £60.

Book an appointment